Smokeshow BBQ by Tacticalories is a supernatural sweet & semi-smoky American style sauce with a twist. The traditional BBQ flavor makes it a perfect fit for any meal - from brisket or ribs to steak and eggs - this incredible combo will have you questioning everything you used to know.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 7 reviews

    Good but a little over the top sweet for me.

    James Alexzander
    Best Sauce YET!

    I'm going to qualify this with I'm a self proclaimed BBQ Sauce Whore! Especially since being introduced to Tacticalories. At present I have over 90 bottles of their various sauces, so yeah, I need an intervention. That being said, SMOKESHOW is an ABSOLUTE game changer! It starts with a nice sweet flavor that invites you in and slowly you start to get hints of the smokey goodness without it being overpowering like you've just opened a bottle of smoke and took a shot. (There are a lot of companies that think Smoke should be the primary flavor instead of a complimentary one....)

    I loved this sauce so much, and had such an amazing response from friend when I slathered it on ribs, I ordered 25 more bottles so as not to run out.

    Casey and the crew at Tacticalories know their craft and I love being able to share it with everyone I know! (Intervention be damned!)

    Brian Robinson
    Surprisingly Good

    This is one of the best sauces I tried so far. Mad that I only bought one bottle. I suggest buying 3 or more during the next restock.

    BBQ ribs

    This barbecue sauce I’ve never tasted anything like it before really really enjoyed it

    Smoke show

    Did smoke show on chicken in the grill. Soooo good. Tastes amazing on the grill. Definitely gonna buy more