Our #1 Goal: FLAVOR
Our growing selection of hot sauces has been purpose built to compliment our world-known seasoning blends. Made in the USA from all-natural ingredients and paired with an unconditional freshness and flavor promise... Either you love it or you get your cash back.
◆ Gluten Free / Non-GMO
◆ All Natural
◆ Free of Additives or Fillers
◆ Made in the USA
◆ Guaranteed Tasty AF
Our #1 Goal: FLAVOR
Our growing selection of hot sauces has been purpose built to compliment our world-known seasoning blends. Made in the USA from all-natural ingredients and paired with an unconditional freshness and flavor promise... Either you love it or you get your cash back.
◆ Gluten Free / Non-GMO
◆ All Natural
◆ Free of Additives or Fillers
◆ Made in the USA
◆ Guaranteed Tasty AF
Let's face it. Eggs are only cool for so long. After eating the same lightly seasoned cardboard egg pile day after day, month after month, it starts to suck. A dribble of Franks can only take you so far. Bringing new life to your breakfast isn't as hard as it may seem.
Depending on your goals, most people are able to consume a large portion of their calories with their first meal. This is where the fun begins. Enter - "The Skillet Clusterfuck". The SCF has become a staple of TEAM tacticalories over the past few years due to a few factors.
There isn't a set way of creating a SCF. The rules are as follows; toss a ton of single ingredient foods into a skillet on high heat for a few minutes. Left over meats cooked in bacon grease, with a side of veggies topped with cheese is the cat's meow.
#2 - Cook with GREASE or animal fat
Using bacon grease or organic grass fed butter is a no brainer. Ditch the junk vegetable oils, ASAP. What the hell is a Canolaanyway? We've lived off of animal fats for millennia. Long before the big wigs in Washington told us that our fats needed to be developed in a lab to be "heart healthy". Cooking a few strips of bacon leaves just enough grease behind to make for a nice layer of goodness in preparation for your peppers, veggies, meats, and/or eggs. Use it up, enjoy the flavor, and toss your margarine in the garbage, now.
Mix it up. This setup is like god damned rocket fuel. I prefer 2 cups of coldbrew (using the NYTimes method), 1 scoop of protein, 1 tablespoon of liquid coconut oil (available at Target) and a dash of pumpkin seasoning. I've also added, 8g creatine. Focus on solid protein and fat sources here.
Consider ditching the carbohydrate here. Think outside the box, but think about what fuel your body truly needs. Do you need extra carbs to sit at your desk all afternoon?No. So justdon’t.
#4 - Go 50/5o for simplicity
One of the easiest ways to assure you're "getting it in" without counting macros. Rock the 50/50 rule. 50% protein, 50% veggies. Wash it down with 100% water. Simplicity, just cut the plate in half. Set a standard for the forthcoming week. Set a goal, form a plan.
Enjoy your day, because it's back to full throttle.